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Port of Oakland targets Clean Ports grant for major zero-emissions conversion

Funding request supported by 20 community, business, regulatory, workforce partners The Port of Oakland and a coalition of 20 partners have applied for a federal grant through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Ports Program: Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition for a $417 million project that will fast track the Oakland Seaport's conversion to 100 percent zero-emission cargo handling operations. The proposal is called "Community Led, Business Supported, Proven and Ready to Go!" and aims to significantly advance industry and community goals. The Port is working closely with 20 community-based organizations, workforce development organizations, marine terminals, and industry leaders on the proposal. The project includes replacement of approximately 760 pieces of equipment with zero emissions technology, training drivers on green skills and supporting infrastructure.

Port of Oakland targets Clean Ports grant for major zero-emissions conversion

Publié : il y a un mois par dans Environment

The Port of Oakland and a coalition of 20 partners have applied for a federal grant that will fast track the Oakland Seaport’s conversion to 100 percent zero-emission cargo handling operations. The Port and its clean energy partners seek a $417 million grant through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean Ports Program: Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition.

The Port’s historic and transformative proposal is called “Community Led, Business Supported, Proven and Ready to Go! Transforming the Port of Oakland to Zero Emissions”. The project would significantly advance industry and community goals to transition to zero-emissions operations and strengthen longstanding relationships to meet shared goals.

“We thank our clean energy partners for a community-driven, historic and transformative grant application which will help us achieve our clean air goals faster,” said Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan. “Our local Oakland community helped select key project components such as zero-emission container handling equipment, cleaner drayage trucks and comprehensive air quality monitoring to achieve the Port’s zero emission goals.”

The Port is working closely with 20 community-based organizations, workforce development organizations, marine terminals, Port users, and industry leaders on the proposal. It will support emissions reductions and climate adaptation initiatives that will benefit the region’s industry-impacted communities in East and West Oakland, while advancing a community-verified and air district-supported, air-monitoring system to measure project effectiveness and outcomes.

“This project would be truly transformative for the communities living in West and East Oakland. I applaud the coalition of partners for putting forward this application to transition nearly 100% of all the cargo handling equipment at the Port to zero emissions technology,“ said Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif). “The EPA has an opportunity to be a major transformational force in the lives of residents in Oakland and in the maritime industry as a whole.”

The Port proposes a project cost up to $586 million, to include the replacement of approximately 760 pieces of equipment with zero-emissions (ZE) equipment (battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell) including:

Another major component of the proposal will be partnering with three local workforce development organizations to support green skills and train drivers on how to operate and maintain the newest zero-emissions equipment and vehicles and supporting infrastructure. In addition, the project includes a Truck Loaner Program which will provide zero-emissions trucks to independent owner-operators and fleets operating in disadvantaged communities--at no cost to the trucker.

“We hope the EPA considers this grant; we’ve been fighting for clean air for decades,” said Brian Beveridge, Co-Executive Director of the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project. “We’re glad to see everyone coming together on this much-needed historic and far-reaching proposal to address environmental issues in my community.”

“This project will accelerate the Port’s transition to zero emissions which has a citywide impact,” said Black Cultural Zone Executive Director Carolyn Johnson. “We are pleased to be part of this clean energy coalition that will not only benefit environmental justice concerns in my East Oakland community but will also have similar impacts to residents all over the region."

The Port’s plan for emissions reductions, Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan - The Pathway to Zero Emissions, was built upon the foundation of the Port’s Maritime Air Quality Improvement Program, and develops long-term plans for air quality, including the State of California’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions targets, with extensive community and partner engagement.

The passage of the federal Inflation Reduction Act in 2022 made $3 billion available through the Biden-Harris Administration to fund zero-emissions port equipment and infrastructure, as well as climate and air quality planning at U.S. ports.

Les sujets: Climate Change, ESG

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