The San Francisco Grid San Francisco

Paula Champagne, Esq - Littler Mendelson, PC


3 Reviews



Paula is a professional, diligent, and has a great understanding of employment. She has helped several employers to understand the employment law and reduce the damage to the current case while avoiding future litigation. She says prevention is worth a ounce of treatment.

As a lawyer, I am careful who I call my customers to.  If I call Paula a customer, she will work hard so that they can take good care of them.


I'm looking forward to working with Paula on the job issue. She is a wonderful person. Not only do I have a good understanding of the employment law, but I also explain it in a way that I can understand the lay people like me. She is recommended to anyone who has an employee and needs expert advice


No stars - no glory, as she turns out to be the opposite! I have evidence of what I will write about her.  It was interesting and I ran into someone in a restaurant and had a negative experience of making a change in her life.  Everything ends in dishonest, and that is why Paula should not do the law.  My experience with her also changed my life.  I had a 29-year career that she destroyed.  I told the truth - she didn't say, and Paula followed me. I feel that she enjoyed the experience. My lawyer  The lawyer was bought away, and now the lawyer was let go. Paula won - she looks at herself in the mirror every day and doesn't realize she made the wrong choice.  I want to meet her someday and tell her about my feelings.  Isn't it interesting that you met someone you met at a restaurant a few years ago, who had such a terrible experience? Both this stranger (now friend) and I believe in Karma. And she will come to meet Paula Champagne someday because she destroyed our career.  I hope that you will study PAULA CHANPANGE before choosing her as a lawyer.


Working Hours
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm