The San Francisco Grid San Francisco
Mediation & Law Office Of Paula M Lawhon

Mediation & Law Office Of Paula M Lawhon


5 Reviews


The &Rophone Act; Mediation and PC started in San Francisco in 2005, and now has three people: administrative staff, offices, lawyers and intermediaries. We offer a neutral mediation service across the Bay Area for all family laws. Lawyers and mediators work closely with all of your customers, listen closely, efficiently and effectively, and help the couple and parents reach an agreement. As a full-time mediator, lawyers are good at helping parties work together to reach creative agreements unique to each family. We'll help you as friendly as possible to overcome difficult situations and provide thoughtful and creative assistance to meet your goals. If you are working with a different lawyer, you will work with your lawyer to ensure that a fair and balanced agreement has been reached in all situations relevant to your situation, so that you are comfortable and confident.

Established in 2005


Lawhon Law & Mediation; San Francisco, PC California provides a neutral mediation service across the San Francisco Bay Area. We will guide you to all types of family relationships, including divorce, legal separation, same-sex marriage, divorce, marital relations between married and unmarried parents, parental rights issues, divorce agreements, provisional contracts, other transition plans, child support, spouse support, changes after decision, agreement between husband and wife, and communal living agreements.

I started this business in 2005 and helped people reduce divorce problems. It's fun to be able to help our customers out of this difficult time. She also works with couples who want to get married and discuss their financial partnership.

Paula L.
Business Owner


  • Mediation & Law Office Of Paula M Lawhon
  • Mediation & Law Office Of Paula M Lawhon



One morning, in a meeting with Paula (both sides and representatives), I was able to solve all the problems necessary for the solution and finish the draft.

Paula, with a very impressive work, defeated Jagnaut and put all the parties on track and moved forward. Today was the day of the diversion of this process.

Paula and his team are always grateful for putting everything on track and moving forward.


I have been a family law mediator for more than 39 years.  I also have years of experience as a consulting lawyer for customers working with other intermediaries.  In that capacity, I recognize Paula's mediation technology beyond her long experience.   I have known Paula since she began practicing mediation. I am surprised that she succeeded very quickly in the San Francisco Bay Area.  When asked for a letter of recommendation for a mediator in Bay Area, Paula is at the top of her list.  I couldn't recommend her any more.


I was a family lawyer working for this meditation company, Meredith and two separate things. The first man was so much a fan of discussion that he thought it would never be resolved. The party was miles away from what I wanted, both emotionally charged. To my surprise, less than five months after the company was hired, the incident was completely resolved. Meredith dealt with the difficulties with this professionalism and attitude. But above all, she helped each party solve the problems they had brought up, so that they could hear each other. The case was so sensitive that it could easily run out of tens of thousands of dollars in court fees that the party's assets would have been wiped out. Meredith was able to save tens of thousands of dollars and months of legal proceedings.

2 The case was not so controversial. However, the lawyer and I were blind to the words of two articles in the settlement document. Meredith uses her creativity to draw our customers' interests in both directions, solve the language problem, and solve it in a few weeks!

I am impressed by this group and will continue to contact customers when a good intermediary is needed.


I can't recommend her as a former customer at all. I got good advice from the accountant in a few hours more than the long mediation. I kept thinking that I would be better, but I was dragged down to my disappointment. The years that spent tens of thousands of dollars in vain are still recovering. If you are considering mediation, please go elsewhere.


If the star is zero, it is the rating for this office. Paula didn't put up with what was put up for our mediation even though she tried to save money by going to the mediation.  waste money She didn't want the truth, so she already removed one YELP. One mediation session and some discoveries $6000. The bill was not negotiated when it was projected that all the steps would be below $5,000. Since I had to hire a lawyer afterwards, this procedure was a great waste of money.


Working Hours
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm